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The Downfall Of The Archery Industry

Updated: Feb 10

Welcome to a post that has been on my mind for a while. This is coming from a place of pure love for the sport of archery, and bowhunting.

I've been debating even writing this for a while because I know it will stir the pot. So let's start with a few things to get the haters going. Bareshaft tuning is not irrelevant, fletching direction doesn't matter, there's no such thing as super tuning, stop tinkering and work on your form, heavy arrow vs light arrow who cares TUNE YOUR BOW PROPERLY, too many people at the public access shut up hunt harder.

I'm not 100% sure where the switch happened but it seems that in the last 5-8 years the archery industry is being flooded by new faces and new content creators. Which is great, I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with though is the regurgitating of information from content creators that couldn't explain the concepts adequately to begin with. There are far too many content creators currently putting out information that have no idea how to back up or repeat, leaving me wondering how they have arrived at their conclusions.

I am not saying I know everything there is to know about archery or bowhunting that is certainly not the case. But I am certain that if I'm putting information out for the general public it is going to be backed by LOTS of testing, resulting in the same conclusion. There is an influx of new archers, and archers want to learn more about working on their equipment. Unfortunately, about 85% of the information I've ever seen across all platforms is either incorrect, not repeatable, or poorly regurgitated from someone who did understand the topic, thus resulting in more poor information. Every year I see more and more people bringing their bow to me to work on it after messing things up royally from watching a YouTube video. PLEASE I BEG EVERYONE TO VET YOUR SOURCES! A lot of these big channels on YouTube are full of poor information ( podium archer, elk shape, ranch fairy, etc etc the list goes on ). Tom Clum SR ( one of the world's most renowned archery coaches) once said that if you truly understand and have mastered something you can teach it in Lehman's terms that are easy to understand. If anyone has ever watched any of Tom Clum Sr's content he is very very knowledgeable, easy to listen to, and easy to understand, if you're listening to your favorite YouTuber, and they are using big words to make it sound like they are knowledgeable chances are they are blowing smoke. Beware of poor information.

I want to close this out by saying at the end of the day I don't care if anyone reads, watches, or even cares about my content. I'm still going to share it, produce it, and continue to become a better and more meticulous bow technician and archer. At the end of the day with or without social media I will do things my way and still exist as a bowhunter. I aim to put out PROVEN REPEATIBLE RESULTS for people to take whatever information they choose from it. Like me or hate me I'm still going to exist.

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