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My Downfall Of SEVR Broadheads

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

I have been shooting SEVR broadheads for 2 years now , with great results for the most part . However this year after two back to back experiences I decided to change. ( I'll detail these experiences later in this write up ).

SEVR . They are phenomenal heads , I've shot the 1.5, 1.75. And the 2.0 and harvested animals with all 3 . If I had to pick one of them out of all 3 sizes it would be the 1.5 hands down. However they are all good. My main concern with the SEVR is the one dimensional cut. You either get a horizontal or vertical cut or some variation of that. Which is fine for the most part. However I have found if you get a vertical entrance and exit the blood tends to be worse then a horizontal variation. Which makes sense as the skin can close up easier as the animal is running. None the less if I did my job all animals died within 50 yards. But more often then not the blood trail was meh. Which I already struggle to track blood . ( most of these blood issues I've had have been from this 2023 season, I also has 1 - 2.0 fail to lock open, it still opened just never got to full lock , and did kill the animal quickly )

Secondly, replacing the blades on a SEVR while it is a very straight forward and rather simple process it is super annoying and frustrating to get that little bent washer in and lined up , after you do it a few times you get used to it but it's still annoying . On the flip side of that coin the ferrule on a SEVR is bar none one of my favorites , I've purposely hit super hard object just to find that the ferrule still spins true and is straight . Last year I shot the same ferrule through all 13 of my animals and this included 9 different bones of varying thicknesses and locations. That ferrule is still spinning true and flies great.

Third, the price point . There's plenty of heads on the market today , some are spendy , some are cheap , some lay in the middle . All of them will get the job done for the most part , and all of them can and will fail at some point regardless if you shoot mechanical or fixed. However the SEVR price point falls into a nice happy medium of not to expensive but not dirt cheap . And the replacement blades follow in suit . I tend to like price points in this range due to if I do lose one or break one it doesn't hurt near as bad as something in a higher price point.

The lack of a second cutting surface has lead me to other options for the 2024 season. see my other article on the heads I plan to switch to.

Overall, SEVR is a great option and I would still recommend them to someone interested.

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