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HBC FLEX Vs 2 Smooth

I've been hunting with a Hinge off and on for a couple years now and honestly have no gripes about it.

Coming into 2024 I found myself leaving my button (nock 2 it) at home quite a bit and just shooting my hinge for most situation (2 smooth hinge) both of these releases paired well with each other as far as feel and anchor.

The 2 Smooth is a great release with ample number of features, however i wanted to venture out and see if there was something i was missing out on, as i have only really shot the uv hinge and the nock on 2 smooth.

The HBC FLEX was on my list, so i picked one up and began my comparison.

Neck Length and Head

HBC Flex

The neck length and head sit in almost the same exact spot as the Carter Wise Choice / Nock 2 It. So that was a huge plus for me. It is on the other hand slightly shorter then my 2 smooth no biggie though. The jaw does not reset automatically every time but after a few shots it becomes habit to reset it manually not a huge deal for me, and when in the locked position the head does not wobble around, but it does rattle. I will say the 2 smooth is easier to hook on faster than the HBC for me so far, but I chalk that up to it being a new release. The shot breaks extremely clean and feel great!

2 Smooth

The 2 smooth has a lot of similar features as the HBC, however the 2 smooth will automatically reset itself to a fire position 99% of the time.


HBC Flex

This has to be one of the easiest adjusting hinges I've ever used. Click to fire is on one sear you cannot adjust them individually. I'll be the first to admit that I typically shoot my hinges very hot. I have never had a problem letting down or with premature discharges. But this click to fire placement happens to land right about perfect for me with the speed set where I like it. You can adjust the third finger angle to fine tune the speed even more by adjusting the angle forward or back to adjust the rotation speed Aswell. It took me no time at all to get this release shooting bullet holes with a bare shaft alongside my nock 2 it and 2 smooth all with the same tune settings.

2 Smooth

This release is also fairly easy to set up how you want it, however a bit more of a tedious process because it has two individual moons for adjustment which isn't a huge deal because once you set it, its set. With both of these releases I am adamant about cleaning my sears every other month just to keep them operating at maximum potential and not getting a gritty feel to them.


HBC Flex

The release is heavier then both my nock 2 it and 2 smooth and feels sturdy and durable in my hand. I never usually shoot brass releases, but this one feels really nice, and I appreciate the high-quality feel.

Overall, I'm pretty impressed with this release its not the latest and greatest release out today but it has plenty of adjustment and is a proven platform for many shooters. Excited to continue to put it through the paces.

2 Smooth

This release has an aluminum body so of course it is quite a bit lighter than the brass HBC I have never had a issue with the lighter body on my releases, but I personally do not find there to be a massive difference for me other than over all durability feels better on the brass.

Down Range Performance / Overview

I shot both releases extensively over a 2 month period, both releases performed wonderfully. However, there was a clear winner for me personally between the two.

Personally, for me the HBC Flex felt the best in my hand, and I loved the extra weight it had to it. The main downfall for me with this release however was the left and rights, for whatever reason I had significantly more left to right impact variation with the HBC then I do with the 2 Smooth, so for that reason alone I will be using the 2 Smooth for the remainder of the 2024 season.

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