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Addressing the Misconceptions

Let me begin by stating that the purpose of this platform is to assist fellow archers and bowhunters in improving their skills, whether they choose to tune their equipment using my methods or opt to have me tune it for them. 2024 has been an outstanding year overall, but the increased growth has also brought about numerous inquiries and worries from the public, especially from individuals who have not interacted with me before. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate some time to writing a post that will cover several common topics that are frequently raised and addressed by me.

To begin with, I want to emphasize that my method of tuning bows is not a blanket solution. There are specific nuances to consider with different bows. Moreover, when you send me your bow for tuning, I guarantee that it will be perfectly aligned along the centerline, as intended for optimal shooting. However, this does not guarantee that every customer will immediately achieve pinpoint accuracy at 100 yards with both broadheads and field tips without any further adjustments. While this outcome is possible, it is not guaranteed for every individual. Some adjustments may be needed and that is OKAY!

What distinguishes me from other shops is quite simple. The key difference lies in the follow-up. As mentioned earlier, I ensure that your bow is properly set up and aligned, but my service doesn't stop there. Upon returning your bow, I provide a week to a week and a half for you to practice with it. Subsequently, I will follow up to assess your shooting experience. I inquire about your use of broadheads, any outcomes, and if you encounter any inconsistencies. I am committed to addressing any minor form or execution issues personally, at no additional charge. This personalized assistance is included in the service fee. With the bow now accurately tuned, the focus shifts to refining your skills as a shooter, enhancing your consistency and confidence.

Clarification on Approach and Perception


One aspect I would like to address is the perception that I may sometimes appear as arrogant or overly insistent that my approach is the only correct one. I want to clarify that this is not the case. I view myself as an open-minded bow technician who actively explores new techniques and regularly updates my content.

When I share a post or video on a specific topic, my intention is not to impose my methods on others, but rather to communicate that I have extensively tested and replicated them with consistent success across various archers and bows. If a method proves effective, I stand by its efficacy.

This endeavor has always been driven by my genuine passion for archery and my desire to enhance the skills of bowhunters, rather than by financial gain, fame, or recognition. It is unfortunate that this fundamental motivation appears to be overlooked in today's social media landscape.

Happy Hunting

Bergy Bowsmith

I highly suggest looking through the following links below for more information

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