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Everything you need to know!


Yes!! Customers can ship their bow in from anywhere in the country for restring and retunes, customer is responsible for shipping to and from Bergy Bowsmith, Please do not ship in your bowcase, the most cost effective way to ship is getting a bow box from a local proshop and using to ship. this should cost $25-30, if you ship in a bowcase it could cost up to $100 and you will need to pay the shipping difference to bergy bowsmith.

-What is Included in a Tune?

A tune includes taking off the old string , putting on new string , setting to spec , setting center shot down the center of the bow , timing the cams , synchronizing the cams , resetting levels on the sight , and bare shaft tuning to perfection, as well as retying new loops , nock sets, and your peep in the exact same spot, and answering any questions along the way.

-What's Current Lead Times?

Rest assured that we can deliver your project within 36 hours once we have received all the required materials.






-What should I include in the box?

My tuning method is all about efficiency and tunability, so in order to achieve this once you get your arrows cut and fletched you HAVE TO group tune them. Group tuning is standing at a distance that you know you can shoot tight groups at, stand there and take every arrow and shoot ( not all at once I usually do 4 at a time). If one arrow consistently hits outside the group turn the nock to the next fletching (3 fletch) or next gap (4 fletch) and repeat until all of them are impacting the same, this is aligning all of your spines on your arrow so they are all coming out of the bow the same way every single time, this will ensure that broadhead flight is perfect. If you have any questions or concerns when you start shooting just let me know and I'll walk you through what to do to solve it, I can't guarantee ill respond right away but for sure same day you will have a solution to your problem.

-What should I do when I get my bow back from Bergy Bowsmith?

-What should I do if I cannot get good results when I get my bow back from Bergy Bowsmith?

I prioritize your satisfaction, feel free to contact me directly on social media for personalized assistance.

-What string maintenance is required?

DO NOT WAX these strings, they are wax less and abrasion resistant if you wax them the chemical compound built into the fiber will break down, just let em buck they need zero maintaining. You will likely need to re-sight your bow in so make sure you start close when shooting and slowly back up.

-Do you offer refunds?

I'm sorry, but I don't provide refunds for services already provided. All sales are final, as stated in the disclaimer section. Nonetheless, I guarantee the quality of my work and will take necessary steps to resolve any issues. I have never encountered any problems in the past.

- Isnt tuning a bow shooter specific?

The 3rd axis is shooter specific . The tuning process , not so much. In my experience tuning the bow down the center is the most forgiving location. Doing it that way can allow multiple people with slightly different grips to group broadheads and fieldtips at 50 and 60 yards . Now person 1 might group 2 inches left , person 2 might group 2 inches right and person 3 might group in the middle but they will group . Even if all 3 are getting different tears.
        It's a crazy situation that doesn't make a ton of sense . But my whole goal is to tune everything down the center and then when you get it back I always do follow up .
        If you're having any weird issues let me know and likely just by tweaking your grip ever so slightly it will clean the tear up almost immediately. 9/10 people do not have enough heel pressure in their grip hand , and shoot with open fingers that is the leading cause of having to tune a bow out of center, clean those 2 grip issues up and I can make anyone shoot a bullethole.

        I have some articles and videos on this topic.

- What should I do if my broadheads do not hit exactly with my fieldtips when I recieve my bow?

Do not be alarmed, my tuning method is designed to be the most forgiving location, and unfortunately I cannot guarantee every situation will be the same, so if this occurs first reach out to me and we will see if it is a form issue. If it is not a form issue, it is okay to have to adjust the rest a few clicks. Center shot has a 3 click one way or another variance where you can adjust your rest and still be lined up down the center of the bow. This does not happen often, but when this issue arises rest assured I'll make sure we figure it out quickly. 

- How many piece string set do I need?

 Mathews Non Solo Cam: 4-5 piece set

 Mathews Solo Cam: 2-3 piece set

 Elite: 2-3 piece set

 Hoyt: 2-3 piece set ( please note I will reach out for a picture of the bottom limb sticker for string measurements)

 PSE 2021 and newer: 2-3 piece set

 PSE 2021 and older: 5 piece set

 Xpedition: 2-3 piece set

 Prime older then Black Series: *Contact*

 Prime newer then Nexus Series: 2-3 Piece Set

-Why Unbound Archery Strings?

I have used many different string manufacturers and one thing that I am always looking for is consistency, and set it and forget it. Unbound Archery is the only manufacturer I have used that is truly a set it and forget it string. 
some of the features:

-Waxless ( you never have to wax them!!)

-Stretchless (these strings do not stretch so once everything is set up you are good to go for the life of the string!)
-No Peep Rotation!

- Contact Bergy Bowsmith.

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